Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pages from Moby Dick 
as altered on September 21, 2012












                                                  September 28, 2012

notebook dreams

Dreams are good.
Dreams are bad.
Dreams come true.

Pumpkins all around.
Big pumpkins
little pumpkins
large pumpkins
small pumpkins.

– sw

I had a dream about a fire at work. I went about in my dream. I had a bad dream and my dream was my dad and I were in the coffin and I was in the car with my dad. I was crying about my dad and mom. I was in the dream, I was lying with my dad, and I was gone with my dad, and in my dream my mom was gone to my brother so I was the lone one living. And there was a bad dream of my brother, and then I was worked up, then I was in the dream, then I was going to cry, and then I will be there at that time

dreams from the poetry machine

You’re in the kitchen. You can walk through walls. A talking spider turns into William Shakespeare and he’s talking to a scientist at the lake.
– ad
You are on a train.
It is night all the time.
You have x-ray vision.
A cook.
Abraham Lincoln.
A talking horse.
The sea.
– ss
I dreamed about the trip I signed up for, going to the Great Pumpkin Patch. We went the 27th of September. We had a great time.
– rh
A talking cat turns into stephen king. We’re in a castle. People grow roots and leaves I’m invisible on a cloud with taylor swift and demi lovato.
– bh
My dream about...
I was on the picnic.
I can turn into a cat.
In my dream I like to
turn into a cat.
My dream is that
I like to go to Six Flags
at St Louis, Missouri.
My dream is about
I was on the moon.

I am on the top of a mountain. looking into the sky, seeing where it does from there, seeing the beautiful valley with waterfalls. The I suddenly take to flight. I circle the mountain, land back where I began. The end.
The rocks and trees spoke to me to come join them.
– rh
I rode on a boat and I walked in a garden.
– rm
The policman
was at a castle.
I touched him
he disappeared.
I was at the
castle when I saw
turn into
a talking whale.

– sh
You are at the mall
Everybody is hungry
C.P. turns into a cat

– mm


I work at McDonald’s and I took my talking wolf there and I was told that I can’t bring the world to McDonald’s. The policeman turned into CP, and I discovered I could fly, and I went to the sea. There was also a beach right next to the sea, and I build a house on the beach with a lot of fruit trees and a flower garden. My talking wolf and I lived happily ever after on the beach.

– ap

I am on the beach with Angelina Jolie. My power is water with a talking deer on a cloud.
– wsw
It’s a cloudy day in the woods. No one can sleep because of the talking squirrels. Then Queen Elizabeth walks through, and everything she touches disappears.
– mw


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